Pyke - Game Of Thrones

what is the defination of internet

Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals

What is computer ?

A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory

how do computer connect to each other

Using a network connection, including connecting to the Internet, computers connect to each other to transmit data between them and communicate with each other using the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)

what is information technology

ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums

what is world wide web(www)

an information system on the Internet which allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Argumentative Essays

A Basic Human Right

Respect is one of the basic human rights. Every human being, nation and state deserve respect, realized through non-violation of their rights and freedoms. A dictionary definition of respect is admiration of someone or something as a result of their qualities or achievements. However, this definition can be extended with respect of feelings and needs of others without any special reasons. All human beings deserve respect and need to be treated with respect.

All people want to be treated with respect, often showing disrespect to the feelings and needs of others at the same time. The main instances of disrespect are rude words, limitation of freedom and imperious attitude. The generation gap can often become a reason for the lack of understanding and disrespect. Children can be rude with their parents, trying to defend their right for freedom of choice. Parents in their turn often disrespect children’s wishes, trying to prevent their mistakes. Of course, if a child wants to do something obviously bad, such as try drugs or drop out from high school, parents should explain why this decision is wrong and what negative consequences it can have. However, when a child wants to listen to some genre of music and choose a college they like, parents should respect their kids’ right for freedom of choice. Respect is an important factor which is necessary for building a trustful relationship.

People should understand that they deserve respect and they should demand to be treated correspondingly. Trying to avoid conflicts and to reach compromises, some people can sacrifice their own interests. Forgetting personal needs and desires often results in nervous breakdowns and negative psychological effects. It is important to understand that every person has the right for personal space, personal time and freedom of choice and it is normal to ask others to respect this right. Another important aspect is respecting people despite their nationality, ethnicity, religious beliefs or physical appearances. The increasing rates of bullying in schools and colleges because someone does not meet the Hollywood standards of beauty clearly show that youths lack empathy and respect to others. On the other hand, the victims of bullying who get complexes of inferiority should learn more about self-respect and their right to be treated with respect. Showing respect and being treated with respect is a two way process. People should always treat others the way they would like to be treated themselves.

Respect to every human being is one of the major principles of modern humanistic society. However, certain changes need to be made in mass media to make popular culture more respectful. For example, claiming that all people are born equal and everyone deserves respect, the TV shows and movies focus on non-disabled actors with beautiful bodies. Giving more attention to people with special needs and those who do not meet the generally accepted norms of beauty but who are beautiful in their own ways could influence the public consciousness. On the other hand, self respect is an important condition which is necessary for the proper balance in society. Those who know their rights and understand their own needs are more often treated with respect than those who feel inferior to others for certain reasons.

If everyone could be more respectful and understanding, this world would be a better place to live in. As one of the basic human rights and major principles of humanistic society, respect can make a difference, preventing social problems and personal tragedies.

Argumentative Article

Why College Students Do A Part-Time Job

Many students nowadays would do one or more part-time jobs when they have leisure time, and most of my classmates are no exceptions. Tutor, for example, seems to be one of the most popular part-time jobs among college students because of the time flexibility and the high hourly pay compared to other part-time jobs. However, in my point of view, there are three main reasons why college students do a part-time job, which are learning how to be economically independent, improving social skills, and exploring potential working fields in which they want to further develop in the future.
    Having a part-time job is a helpful method for college students to learn how to earn their own living without receiving financial support from their family. Take myself as an example. I didn’t know how to make both ends meet until I began my first part-time job. At first, I was not aware of the importance of making monthly budget plan and just bought everything I thought I could afford. Consequently, I spent so much money that I couldn’t pay the rent and I failed to keep my parents promise to manage my money. Eventually, I had no choice but to turn to my parents. Luckily, they only gently reminded me how important it was to make budget plan if I wanted to be economically independent. Rather than blaming me on my being too optimistic about spending money, they considered this embarrassing experience as one precious lesson for me to be learned. Thankfully, I knew I made it to strike a balance between daily expenses and my income for the first time when I saw there was still plenty amount of money in my bank account before I received my next salary. Thus, without doing a part-time job, I would not be able to earn my own living and gradually achieve my goal of being economically independent.
    The second reason for college students to work part time is because they want to improve their social skills. As for social skills, communication and cooperation are two of the major elements and standards to evaluate a person, both in a job and in an interpersonal relationship. Working part time helps college students improve their communicative skills and learn how to cooperate with their team members or partners. For example, when their superiors assign a task that is more than they can handle, they would probably need to negotiate with their partners to figure out several solutions to finish it. Under such circumstance, they have to apply communication and cooperation to gain the best result. Furthermore, these two would benefit a lot no matter what their job is.
    The third reason that accounts for college students’ doing a part-time job is to explore and discover where their passion toward in their future career is. Nowadays, after graduating from college, many freshmen of the society are still confused about which career they would like to engage in. If they took a chance to find out what really interested them through working part time in their college years, they would be able to picture what their ideal career life would be like in advance.
    In conclusion, there are many reasons for college students to work part time after class, and three of them are mentioned here, which are, respectively, learning how to be economically independent, improving their social skills, and exploring their ideal career in the future. I support college students to work part time not only for the reasons given above, but also for cultivating themselves the ability to solve problems and manage their time well.

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